I Am Your Provider

On a long drive through west Texas and New Mexico desert tundra, our car lost all the oil about 2 miles outside the village of Des Moines, New Mexico- a town of 128 people.  Fortunate for us, Des Moines happens to have a gas station, a mechanic, and a 5-room motel.

We rolled into the “auto shop” which looked more like parking outside a barn, and got out to find the mechanic. When I asked the mechanic if he could take a look at my car and see how it lost all the oil, he responds “Sure, but it will probably take a few days for me to fix it because we only go into town 1-2 times per week for parts. So you’ll have to stay at the M&M Inn next door.”  Not exactly the best news since we are on our way to pack up and bring our college daughter home from a university in Colorado. Which, by the way, we were notified two days prior that the college campus will close the following day at 5p due to the Coronavirus! So we were in a bit of a hurry. I kindly replied, “Thank you,” and then shared the news with mom, who was still in the car. While I was standing outside the vehicle, mom gets out to join me and begins to tell me through tears that we need to ask angels to tend to us and that we need to ask God to intervene somehow. I smiled, and replied in my most positive tone, “I’m pretty sure God has ALREADY taken care of us- we have driven stretches of the panhandle with no towns for 30-50 miles in either direction. The warning light and bell went off just about a mile before this town. The town has a gas station, a mechanic, and a place to stay!!! I’d say God has hooked us up ALREADY!”  She then reminds me through her tears, “What about our daughter in Colorado? What’s she gonna do?”  

I put my arm around her and we prayed.

Soon thereafter I heard Ryan (the mechanic) ask me if Toyota made my type of car (which was a Lexus). Ryan continued that they don’t see many hybrid cars “in these parts”, and then said he can’t read the language in the engine so do I “know how big my engine is?”  With all the doubt those questions brought to my mind, the next 15 minutes revealed how much MORE God had ALREADY moved on our behalf.

In short order, Ryan diagnoses the problem and realizes that he had actually picked up a part that morning for “Marla’s” car. And that part for Marla’s car would fit our car. (I don’t know who Marla is but I’m excited that she unknowingly was donating her car part to my car). Ryan asks me what type of oil my car takes. I answer that my car takes 0-20 synthetic oil. He shakes his head and says “I’ll be right back”.  Ryan returns and shares that he has five quarts of the 0-20 synthetic oil which is “practically miraculous” (his words) because not that many vehicles need that type of oil in Des Moines, New Mexico!  Through each of these amazing discoveries, we keep saying “That is SO GOD”, “Thank you GOD”, “GOD is so good”- and the mechanic, and his Dad who came up to help, kept saying “Yup”, “He is” and “Sure is”.  We could all see how truly remarkable the situation was as it unfolded moment by moment. Forty-five minutes later, we paid the bill, blessed Ryan, and drove off.
God provides.  God sees to it.  Jehovah Jireh.

It doesn’t end there. As I drove off, I heard “No matter how much you plan, how much money you have, how good your car is, I am your provider.” I burst into tears.   You see, I had spent a great deal of time planning the trip and the possible contingencies. I had removed a very large sum of cash from the bank in case banks went offline during our trip. We drove our most reliable vehicle for the trip. Yet, God knew that I needed a reminder in the midst of all the chaos, noise, and stress of that day, AND, that I will need it for the days ahead (this was the beginning of Covid). He knows what I need and moves mightily to SHOW ME that He is at work ALREADY on my behalf.

And your behalf as well.

God Provides.  God Sees To It.

Jehovah Jireh

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