Discipleship Groups

Discipleship Groups

Jesus made it clear that discipleship is critical to His plan of salvation and restoration. As in all things God creates, discipleship is about reproduction. If you think about it, everything God creates reproduces- trees, ants, grass, fish, elephants, people~ and disciples. We wouldn't be talking about Jesus today if disciples had not reproduced! 

Discipleship happens over a period of time. Discipleship happens in relationship where we would share about our lives. Many struggling Christians who seek a counselor are merely in need of growth or strengthening in certain areas of their life, and sometimes in their understanding of God. 

Discipleship allows a biblical counselor to walk with a fellow believer through a season of life to aid them in focusing on Jesus- in their mind, will, emotions, spirit and body. 

Discipleship Groups are offered in two formats. The Initial format is a specific curriculum-based, 8-week class focused on Spiritual Healing, Spiritual Deliverance and Spiritual Authority found in the New Testament Bible. This Group is designed to bring Spiritual freedom offered by Jesus - beyond the initial salvation received when one comes to Christ. This is available for men and women separately. 

The Ongoing format is designed as a safe environment to inquire, grow and mature in our Spiritual authority, as well as facilitate ongoing Inner Healing as needed. 

God Is Love. Whoever Lives in Love Lives in God, and God in Them." 1 John 4:16

Stacking Stones Worldwide Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry which is not regulated by the State of Texas and the Department of Health and Human Services.  Our ministers are not licensed counselors by the State of Texas. Our ministers are licensed ministers in the State of Texas. 

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