About Stacking Stones~

Who Started This

Philippians 1:6, NLT And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when ...

What's In A Name

Stacking Stones is the title to a collection of God moments we wrote to our children at the request of the Lord after a bout with cancer. We eventually ...

Mark & Jennifer

We are Mark and Jennifer Connell....

Our Discipleship Ministries


Our Focus

  • Inner Healing
  • Marriage
  • Pastors
  • Spiritual Freedom
  • Love
  • Men & Women



I was on a serious path to self destruction. I was addicted to alcohol and pornography, and was about to lose my wife. I came to a place of brokenness and desperation and I went to see Mark for some healing. He lovingly, gently and without any condemnation took me into the presence of Jesus where I found healing and freedom. He is an incredibly insightful, warm, and effective counselor.


I was on a serious path to self destruction. I was addicted to alcohol and pornography, and was about to lose my wife. I came to a place of brokenness and desperation and I went to see Mark for some healing. He lovingly, gently and without any condemnation took me into the presence of Jesus where I found healing and freedom. He is an incredibly insightful, warm, and effective counselor.


During a season of great distress in my life, I began going to sessions with Pastor Mark. They were challenging in many ways, yet filled with grace, kindness and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Over the time I spent in those sessions, I know that I came out of that season completely different - I was a healthier person mentally and spiritually - and stronger Christian because of it. I went in broken and left on a deep journey towards wholeness and freedom that continues to this day. I will be forever grateful to the Lord and to Pastor Mark for walking with me through that difficult season. “

Jasmine Johnson


During a season of great distress in my life, I began going to sessions with Pastor Mark. They were challenging in many ways, yet filled with grace, kindness and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Over the time I spent in those sessions, I know that I came out of that season completely different - I was a healthier person mentally and spiritually - and stronger Christian because of it. I went in broken and left on a deep journey towards wholeness and freedom that continues to this day. I will be forever grateful to the Lord and to Pastor Mark for walking with me through that difficult season. “

Jasmine Johnson


God Is Love. Whoever Lives in Love Lives in God, and God in Them." 1 John 4:16

Stacking Stones Worldwide Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry which is not regulated by the State of Texas and the Department of Health and Human Services.  Our ministers are not licensed counselors by the State of Texas. Our ministers are licensed ministers in the State of Texas.