Helping You Create Memorable Growth and Transformation with God

What's Your Story?

Inspired by the biblical story in the book of Joshua, where God instructed His people to stack stones as a lasting memorial of His miraculous provision, Stacking Stones ministry is dedicated to helping you build your own spiritual milestones. Just as the stones by the Jordan River prompted testimonies of God’s faithfulness, our mission is to guide you in creating moments of growth and transformation that you’ll want to remember and share with others.

Transformation Not Information

At Stacking Stones, we believe that meaningful change is not only possible but also worthy of being commemorated. Our ministry offers personalized spiritual formation sessions for individuals, couples, groups, and organizations, designed to help you deepen your connection with God and experience the kind of spiritual growth that leaves a lasting impact.

"...when your children ask you, ‘What do these stones mean?’ tell them that the flow of the Jordan was cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord. When it crossed the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. These stones are to be a memorial to the people of Israel forever. "

Joshua 4:6-7

How Does God Answer Your Prayers?

From a 50,000 foot viewpoint, the bible is a book which shares the story of God communicating with people in a variety of creative ways~ through prophets, through angels, through a hand writing on a cave wall, through visions, through songs, through signs and wonders, through the writers of the Bible inspired by the Holy Spirit, through dreams, through a donkey, through His Son Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, through people inspired by the Holy Spirit and more. With so many examples of God finding ways to communicate with people, do you think He will also communicate with you? 
We think so. And trust that He will. 


We offer personalized one-on-one sessions and supportive group settings to foster transformation through prayer and counseling, helping you navigate challenges, find healing, and experience lasting change within a caring community.


At Stacking Stones, we’re here to support couples with personalized one-on-one sessions and group gatherings. Through prayer and counseling, we help you strengthen your relationship, tackle challenges, and grow together in a warm, caring community. Let's build something lasting together.


We support church communities, men’s and women’s groups, and larger gatherings with personalized prayer, counseling, and group care, helping you strengthen bonds, overcome challenges, and grow together in faith and community.

Listening And Learning

At Stacking Stones, we listen very carefully so you can be congruent with who you are and who Jesus is.

Ministry Sessions

Built for you and a welcomed change from traditional counseling.  Ministry sessions are spirit led, one on one or couples sessions seeking real answers to deliver real healing and growth.


Groups are for men, women, and couples looking to grow.  When you join a group, you will study God's Word and His Ways, then have group discussions to deepen your understanding and your ability to walk with Jesus more closely. 

Church Partnership

Are you looking to provide better or more Care for your local Body of Christ? Do you want to learn how to set up a lay ministry Care team? We can help. We have Best Practices which were developed over many years of experience. We offer a reliable, affordable, and experienced team to help you. 


Get books, resources, trainings, and teaching sessions for yourself, community, church leaders, and members.  From speaking engagements, to audio books, Stacking Stones Resources are available to you.


Discover our range of events designed to support your journey to be healthy and holy. From workshops and seminars to group sessions and retreats, we offer diverse opportunities for growth and healing. Explore our calendar to find the events that resonate with you and take the next step towards holistic well-being.

Retreats and Excursions

Explore spiritual connection outside your daily lives in the wilderness! Retreats and Excursions offer adventure, camaraderie, inner healing, and spiritual renewal ~ and are led by professional guides as needed. 


Visiting a counselor during crisis provides spiritual support and guidance, and coping strategies to help navigate challenges with clarity and resilience.

Physical Ailments

Counseling for physical ailments offers emotional support, spiritual coping strategies, and holistic wellness approaches to navigate health challenges and promote healing.

Interpersonal Challenges

Finding help for interpersonal challenges offers insight, communication skills, and conflict resolution strategies based on God's Word to enhance relationships and foster mutual understanding and growth.

General Mental Health

General mental health care provides support, coping skills, and strategies for managing emotions and behaviors, fostering well-being and resilience in navigating life's challenges.


Let us help you confront your anxiety and stress by addressing root causes and pursuing God's guidance for change. We can offer tools and a supportive space to explore emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, facilitating healing and promoting mental well-being. 

Relational Impass

Relational impasse can be difficult. We can help provide insight, communication strategies, and collaborative problem-solving to navigate gridlock and to foster forgiveness, understanding, and mutual growth in relationships.

Meet Mark Connell

Welcome to Stacking Stones! I’m grateful and excited that you’ve arrived at our website. My hope is the site gives you a general idea of the ministry we are called to and how we provide it to you, or someone you love. Truly, a website cannot fully convey our hearts to care and love those who God brings to us. Our heart is to love well. As we work together, you will hear us talk about “healthy and holy”. I’m a big fan of encouraging the Body of Christ to be healthy and holy. One does not guarantee the other. Yet, together, they can give us a good barometer of our walk with the Lord and with others. In the last 12 years, I have had over 11,000 sessions with folks who have gotten to a place where they need some guidance, wisdom or encouragement.

Stacking Stones was born out of my heart to help Jesus followers walk in health and holiness in alignment with God’s Word, His authority and the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. If this resonates with your heart, feel free to give us a ring or sign up for a quick call! Blessings~ Mark

Take the First Step

As a prospective client, you can begin exploring our services by scheduling a free consultation. It's the perfect opportunity to learn more about what we offer and how we can support you on your journey to healing and growth.