The testimonies below were shared from men and women after going through Stacking Stones ministry. It’s important to know that each comment is from a real person who we ministered to through the love and power of the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. You will notice that the comments were left “as is” in their own context or verbiage. We did this for the authenticity and vulnerable perspective which can only come from each person’s heart~ said the way they say it, felt the way they felt it.
I heard from the Lord and God just gave me so much deliverance from stuff that I've been fighting through and struggling through for years, really my whole life. And it happened because I said yes and I showed up, and not just Saturday, but when this thing started a couple months ago. - EMC
The discipleship group was an eye-opener of how to listen to what He's saying to me and how to tap into and get to God. This whole thing has been an eye-opener on how to get to Him. Not that He wasn't there and I didn't believe and stuff like that. It was how do I get to Him to receive. So this thing taught me to slow down and listen. It's not the, "Hey, man, I got a busy day. I love you. Cover me. I'll check you later." Now it's more of, "All right, I'm here. What do you want? What are we doing? What are we working on?" - RCM
But man, I just felt like Saturday just really put me on a path that I've been looking for, and when you came and prayed over me, the stuff that you said to me connected so hard. I'm like, "Where did that come from?" That was pretty amazing. But yeah, man, what an awesome ride Saturday was! That was eye-opening! - MDD
The thing that I noticed this week was identifying and being able to just be like, "No, I don't agree with that. You're not going to have that happen. I don't agree with that. No." And I used to have this thought process where I would even say those things, but it almost would be flippant. But now it's even... I have chills right now thinking about the authority that comes with me saying that. It's like, "No, I don't agree with that." Even my son at a basketball game on Saturday, there was a moment where he got frustrated and he was angry and when... and so even in the middle of a basketball game, it's all going on, I'm like, "No, I don't agree with that. That doesn't go on my son." And just thinking about that as a dad fighting that battle and just as a husband fighting that battle and even just the attacks that come on me, that have come on me, just in a moment, just being able to... It's almost like just take this sword out and be like, "No, that's not happening." I would say through this process, God was able to take an out-of-tune station and put me back in tune. - AMS
The discipleship group gave me a framework and it provided me a more complete inventory assessment view to my spiritual life so that I could find the spiders and kill them. I feel like I've been playing kind of Christian whack-a-mole, a problem comes up, boom, problem comes up, boom. And this is saying, hey look, here's the framework. Here's the ways to identify pain and hurt, and then some tools to really dig down through the layers of it and then address that underlying pain. And then ask Jesus to help me with it versus me trying to muscle through it or fix it or whatever. And then the last thing is, man, it's been great. These past 24 hours, I felt the peace, the prayer that you prayed over me, it manifested itself…So that peace beyond understanding is how I felt this past 24 hours and I've been praying that, that would continue. - MCM
What I learned- it was eye-opening, so many demons out there and the authority that we had for casting out. You were behind me telling me, you have authority. When I was talking about this that was in my closet and me trying to get rid of it, and I kind of stumbled. It's like, no, God is the one giving me the strength to do this. And you were saying, “no, you have the authority to cast that demon away. So that was really very reassuring and it was good. It was good. It was a good Saturday. - MGD
So I guess one of my takeaways is that it amazes me how much God loves me and that he's pursuing me, that I'm worthy of pursuit, that amazes me. I've always had a very strong faith, but I'm coming to the realization that I've been really lazy and not really been taking the steps that I've probably am being called to take with that faith. - DMD
All these self-reflections and self-assessments that we did. I think to sit down; journal and realize some of the pockets of unforgiveness in my heart and some of the things that you leave open for the enemy to walk inside can really prevent you from having a very fulfilling relationship with God. - MCA
Man, so the first thing that I got during this season is that I fully received the truth that I'm not alone. And that's something... There are so many men that I've talked to that battle with feelings of loneliness. And so this was a truth that God seated in my heart and that I chose to really believe during this season is that I'm not alone. - RTM
I guess I'll go first so I don't forget everything. Yeah. So the takeaway from me is my... Number one is, was my root cause of why I did the stuff in the past that I did, the root cause. And even it's like it came to mind even when yall was praying with me. Root cause is my identity and who I place my identity in. I place my identity in other people other than God. And obviously you think that would've been a simple thing that I would've understood. But after praying and actually like, "Hey, I actually put in my identity things other than God." So that was an enlightening thing. Also, what was great about it is the authority that has been given to me in Christ. And I am a son, and because of that I can walk in this authority. And ever since, Mark, since you said, "Hey, you can speak authority in the name of Jesus, by the blood, and the demons, they will listen. They will listen, period." So that's another cool thing is just the authority that I have in God. I haven't really practiced it that much before, coming to this men's group. So now when the enemy comes at me, I do take authority over him. For instance, a lot of crazy stuff happened yesterday and a little bit today. When I used to do homeless ministry, I would ruffle up some feathers with taking back ground from the enemy to the Lord and the enemy would get upset. But this one, I think because I was breaking off all these, not only curses over me, but generational curses, I noticed the enemy was obviously not very happy. And this isn't glorifying him at all. Like I said, I still take authority over him in the name of Jesus. So just seeing that I obviously am doing good because every time I'm doing good that enemy doesn't like it. And some things happened. My health... It was weird. I got home and I had some really bad stomach issues. It was really interesting. I found out some things that was stolen from my house... And some other things happened with my girlfriend. So the enemy was just boom, boom, boom, boom. And I still would take the authority over him. And no matter what comes, I know my identity in Christ and I know that when I speak in the name of Jesus, it has to obey regardless. So being a child of God, but now I have authority over him and I can speak that authority. I can walk in that authority. And that's probably the coolest thing that I've learned while being around you guys. Definitely life changing. So I'm very thankful and I really appreciate it. - SAC
He woke me up. He lift me up, wakes me up, like "Hey, wake up. You got things to do. I mean, "You got things to do, you can do this." And he woke me up. I feel like when I speak with people and when I read the letter that I have authority. I don't have the mindset I used to have. Yeah, I'm totally different. I'm renovated. I am more visionary. Big time! That is cool. And it's just this a little bit apart now, I don't want to go long, but it is feel in my house, I feel something's going to happen in a positive way. Like this… Because I was telling God, "I have another praise in my heart for you." Because sometimes we need new praise, how to praise the Lord. And I think this weekend was awesome. This weekend gave me a new vision and it was great. - PTG
Yeah. I would say, what my takeaway is, if someone sees the stone Mark, I'll tell them that I finally was able to recognize where the prison cell door is and leave it behind. And I'm not going back. I know how I was freed from that. And I'm not going back. I mean, that's where I throw the hook and catch them. And then if they ask more... I can give them a little bit more details as to what the course entails. But that was my takeaway is I have confidence to know who I am in Christ and the authority he's given me to recognize the attacks of the enemy and to be prepared for him. And I really like how you mentioned it, Mark, about treating these demons like they're a three-year-old kid or my dog. I don't need to get all huffy-puffy about it. I don't need to yell. I don't need to get all animated. It's simply knowing my place where I am or who I am in Christ and taking the authority, just being the covering over my home and my family. - ABA
Well, I think that the eight weeks was a very good thing because it's going through the book systematically. I gradually went through events in my life and went all the way back to as young as I have any kind of memory. And it was like God was gradually bringing all these things out and I had no idea that they affected my outlook of who I am as a believer, and as a child of God, as a joint heir with Christ, as someone in God's army. But now I realize how many blockages there were for confidence to flow, and the power of God to flow, and for me to be able to be free to experience all the things that Christ wanted me to experience in my life. So I just feel like I had so many barriers, like a bunch of stumps in the yard. I feel like all the stumps have been removed, and I'm free to just go forward and be exactly what God wanted me to be. And sometimes I think God doesn't let us go forward until we have reconciled what was behind us. So yesterday at church, I am on our prayer team, and we had a lady that had some sort of metastatic cancer. I think she said carcinoma, I can't remember what it was, but the doctors have said that no treatment works, no chemo, no nothing is working. So I went with four other members of the prayer team and I was able to go and boldly pray like I did with my brother Johnny, and feel the very presence of God in that room. Not heard yet what has taken place, but I believe that she got healed. I mean, she's about 70 and she's lost most of her body weight. I bet she weighed about 79 pounds. But just like with our brother-in-law, Johnny, just a week after we saw a picture of him posted on Facebook, and he didn't look like the same man after that prayer session that Bill and I had with him. So, I feel like my conscience has been cleared. And a lot of those tears I didn't even realize I had due to past hurts got to be released on Saturday. So, I feel freed and now I feel like God can do his work through me better than he's ever done. - TWE
All right, so having authority over those thoughts under attack and trying to recognize where those attacks will lead has been important. If I'm getting attacked and it's depressing me, then I'm not able to live in God's identity and I'm not able to live the life that He wants me to live. So recognizing those schemes and having some tools is really what I'll take from this group and I can use those tools to embolden my identity. I think this group is also helping me recognize different things coming. - JAJ
I would say something I’ve been blessed in general, and then I would say something specific. For me, my wife and I over the last decade or so have moved from a denominational background to a non-charismatic background, to following a church and small groups that are more full gospel. And so, over the last decade or so, I've become much more aware of the existence and the activity of the spiritual world- especially the dark side of it and the authority that we have over that. I've learned and seen people in a small group declare authority over things and I've done it. The authority that we have over that dark, spiritual world through Jesus is real. And learning how important speaking is. Not just thinking and not just praying and silent, but speaking. So generally, my wife and I have both become a lot more aware of the last decade or so, but this class probably doubled my knowledge and awareness and confidence in those areas. I probably made more progress in the last eight weeks than I did in the previous 15 years or something. So I'm really thankful for that. And specifically, I've gained more peace about my place in the kingdom and how God looks at me. Through the eight weeks, through the classes, through the Saturday workshop, through the prophetic letters, I can feel that peace. And I really appreciate that. Also, as Jason said, the book and the references in the book, and I would like to memorize some of them, especially the 15 references to the spirits that are strongholds in our life, and use that as a tool to go back. I've already used it once. I stopped on my way back from Dallas to Tulsa. My son lives about 45 minutes south of Tulsa. So I stopped in and talked to him for a while and he's probably my most spiritual child and he's 32. And he was asking me about the workshop and the class and I was telling him about it, and I was telling him specifically about the half day of speaking in unison against the spirits that were listed. And he said that he totally believes that. I mean, he probably knows the Bible better than any person I personally know. I mean, he really, really, really knows the Word. And he said, "Well, I've been having a problem with my two-year-old. She normally sleeps through the night, but she had been waking up like three times a night scared. I run in there. She says, she's scared. And I say, 'Of what?' She says, 'I don't know.'." And so I went to the prayer for deliverance from the spirit of fear. And he took a picture of it in the references, of the scriptural references, and the prayer and he said, "I'm going to use this over the house and her room, and I'll let you know how it's going." Like someone said, I've learned some tools and I'm using them in my life. So hopefully, one day I won't have to go to the book and say, "Oh gee, on page 96 there's the prayer of deliverance from the spirit of fear." So that's a specific thing that I got out. - BBE
I guess to start off the whole sitting around the table, reading our prophetic words out loud, like that was possibly the most like, touching moment I've ever experienced with the Lord. 'cause like, not even, well, mine was very touching. And what people were saying to me after was also amazing, but I was like getting like secondhand touched, hearing the words and how like, spot on they were for other people. I was like, yeah, I was like teary-eyed hearing what the Lord was saying to someone else. Like knowing that person and knowing what that meant to them if that makes sense. Mm-hmm. Like, I mean, it was just like wrecking me. I was just, ugh, it was awesome. I just remember, I was shocked, like at how touching it was. And even some of the words that the team members would kind of come sprinkle on top. I was just man, like, and I'm talking about the ones that weren't for me. Right. So, awesome. And then, you know, mine was really cool too, so I just, I don't know, I was very touched by all of that. Okay, let's see, what else? So I definitely felt a little timid at first when making the declarations. I just didn’t feel it in my bones as much, you know? Right. And the more we went on, I kind of felt stronger and more empowered when we were saying it all. I don’t know if that makes sense, but I sort of felt my disposition shift a little. Like, as we were doing 'em, I was just like, oh, actually, like this is it! You know? I don’t know how to put it into words. I've got something else too. So I definitely went into the day expecting to experience an actual experience during the prayer, if that makes sense - which didn't happen for a while. Then there was one time or two times when we were doing the one-on-one prayer, I actually felt something tangibly come off of me. I think it was when Steven was praying for me. It actually was kind of crazy. He said he saw like an unholy covenant in my bloodline and wanted to pray that off. And it was actually on the demonic spirit that I would've guessed I might have like a generational thing going on. Now he didn't know that, so it was kind of crazy. But when he prayed, I actually felt a release of some sort which was really awesome! I think I was expecting it to be like that - more pronounced the whole time. Then, the next day when I woke up I was like, whoa, I feel different. I just feel clear. I slept way better. I feel rested. I just feel more clear and at peace. Yeah. And I've already had plenty of times where I've felt the same old thoughts creeping in trying to dangle something and I'm just like, Nope. You know, it's like I can see it, recognize it, call it out, and keep walking, you know? So it's been really cool. I mean, at church on Sunday I remember being, like whoa, I just feel different today. And then I walked into work on Monday with all my coworkers, and I just felt really different with the guys. When I'm back in the same environments or with people that I'm with a lot, like from before the Ministry weekend, I don't feel the same. It's hard to describe, but I feel a tangible shift in my mood. I don't know what the word is. It’s awesome! It's like I didn't really feel it so much during the Ministry day, but during the following days, I felt a total shift. So yeah, it's been really cool. - TAP
I'm so excited to share. First of all, the prophetic words on the Saturday! I'm sure y'all can tell I was getting wrecked. It makes me so excited to share! As I was reading a word, I felt this heat. Like, I couldn't even speak. I was crying and I felt this excessive heat all over my body. It lasted up until lunch. Even a little bit during and after lunch. I felt like feverish, but not like, “Ugh, I'm sick, I need to go home”. It was like fever to the point where I was like, I cannot contain. And I felt like the prophetic word I was reading was impacting me right there. And I was having an experience, a tangible experience with his love. Like for the first time, it was a new experience of his love. It burns out my insights. It was insane. And I'm still reading it almost every day since, just to like remind myself. There's just more that He's opening up with even the verse that was given. Um, uh, yeah. So that was powerful and encouraging to hear~ the Lord does know me and see me, and that's what He wants to share. And that's what I wanna share with others! Because that's something that's on my heart to share the love of the Lord. And now I get to say, okay, I've had another experience with his love and it's this powerful and I'm excited for the more of what that entails. Then while we were doing the deliverance, it was so cool. I can be a very impatient person and I like things to be efficient. And first of all, the whole time was very efficient. I was really excited. It felt very efficient. But as we were speaking, I think my experience was a little bit different, because every single time we did the prayer, it felt like I was saying the words for the first time in a new way. You kept saying even that Wednesday before, that it's all about authority. And up until Saturday, I was meditating on authority and what that looks like. Then as you were talking and shared what this time was going to be, I though, “okay, God, come down. I'm gonna speak these words and I'm gonna know that they're true”. so I just took the words, internalized them and started speaking out. And in my own way, I was thinking “this is gone”. My saying that and believing it was so finite, and it was happening in that moment. Each time we stood up, it was new! At times I did feel the Holy Spirit confirming. The migraines are not your inheritance and this is not from the Lord. I felt the power of the Lord saying “yes, I'm in agreement with you. I'm standing with you”. I had a little time where I shared with Jennifer about the lying spirit and something that I was carrying. And ever since then I felt so free. I don't have to rationalize or make an excuse for that, or come up with some plan and say I'm sorry I dropped the ball on this. This is why. I was able to be so vulnerable and honest and it doesn't burden me. It's not a part of me. It's not weighing me down anymore because I vocalized it and then I cast it out. Definitely the authority piece was huge. And afterwards, I was telling my boyfriend that I don't feel heavy or sluggish or gross. I just went through a huge deliverance thing! I feel strong and I felt my faith grow. Faith with words. And faith with works. Just standing there and speaking the words out of faith was amazing and felt really good. I definitely think the enemy is wanting to come back in and wanting to tell me that lie. Then I think no, no, no, I'm not wrapped up in that anymore! What goes on after the group and Saturday is that I have a tool in my back pocket and I have faith that this works. I'm just really, really grateful for that time and what it was. And it felt very holy. Just me and the Lord, even though people were around. It was really good. And I'm grateful. Yay! And I get what you say now when you say, I wanna do another one, or like, I wanna keep doing that. I'm like, oh yeah, okay. I’ll do this again. 100 percent! - PAM
It was awesome. I'll share my quick testimony. When we were praying the foul spirits off, I think it was one of the first ones, my voice had been really fatigued. And it's not because I'm talking too much. I could just feel my voice getting like weak and tired. I'm like, how is everyone doing this? I didn't even know we were going to read and speak out loud. I could just feel it feeling strained. And I was like, “I'm not gonna be able to get through this”. Last Christmas, I lost my voice for almost two weeks. Anyway, the very next one, the next spirit, we were praying off. Right then, I felt my voice get really strong and strengthened, like noticeably. And I just thought that was so cool! So good. I feel like it gave permission to just take authority. And I love that we have that prayer because if I ever give permission to the enemy again, I just need to remind myself of what I was saying by faith! I’m like, “no, no, no, this is what I did by faith. This is what I know is the presence of the truth”. Like you said, the focus is not on what the enemy's stealing. It gives you something to focus on. It’s not the enemy. It’s on Jesus authority and what’s been given to me! I love that part. - PAC
As I was sitting there and I went back through what foul spirits had been affecting me, it just became apparent to me that the Lord did want me to stand up and address some of those in my life. It was powerful! And man, just getting the people there to bless us and serve us that way was really, really special. Sweet. Yeah. I love the team.
I haven't really wrapped my head around everything. Um, as far as Saturday goes, I'm still kind of processing it, but like the whole program, um, just stepping into the program, I didn't really voice this, but, you know, I heard the other guys speaking and like, there was some like, commonality between different struggles the other guys were having that, you know, I've had. And, um, I almost thought like, man, is this a trick being, you know, I mean, how are, uh, how, how is that possible? You know? And, uh, and so, um, you know, I stayed quiet for a good bit and then that last session I'm like, you know what? I'm just, I'm just gonna be a little bit more vulnerable than, than previously. And then, um, you know, on Saturday, uh, one of the things I wrote down what I wanted to get out of it was just kind of see like a little bit of a, uh, a a unity and, and comradery, um, between the, the folks there. And, uh, it seemed like, um, that was starting to develop. And that was really cool to see. Um, and then, you know, I, the, uh, the declarations we, we said at the end of the program, you know, um, definitely, uh, Satan was, was putting some fear in me to, Hey, uh, you, you can't, you know, confess this or that or this because, you know, um, just putting all sorts of just negative thoughts. And, uh, and so the first like, couple were a little bit hard to confess. And then I felt like after the first two sessions, there was a little bit of a, a, a freedom relief. And, and, um, and, and, and, uh, I, I, I really kind of feel like, um, you know, setting things in motion, like, like you said, mark, and, and I'm really looking forward to like the next, like week or two to kind of see, um, what, what, what's going on. Honestly, like, uh, I, I've been walking to difficult walks to like, uh, just being in a new group of guys and comradery and unity was, was something i, I was looking for. Uh, so, um, I, I think, you know, just, uh, I felt blessed by that. Um, and, uh, and, and the book was, I mean, the materials, um, it, it really goes into the nuts and bolts about, about healing and, and deliverance there. And, uh, and so yeah, I definitely, uh, learned things with within everything as well. And, and, and I know there's, um, things set in motion in the spirit realm, um, for all those powerful declarations. I mean, there's, there's no way. There can't be. Um, and, uh, you know, just, uh, I, I did the day after I, I felt, so I, I saw Jennifer and, uh, and, you know, I, I did get a little excited and, and I'm just like, you know, I'm gonna start, um, a conversation, you know, on, on some topics that have just been the enemies put fear, uh, to not start 'em. And, uh, and so I did, and, and, uh, you know, I was hoping for, um, a different response. Um, and, and, uh, I didn't get the response I was hoping for, but still, um, it was a conversation that needed to start because it's for the benefit of our family. And Satan's been putting just like this fear, uh, for me to even start the conversation. Um, and, uh, and I know that that boldness came from, like, feeling the freedom the day before. - GAC
For me, I developed a greater sense of confidence. You know, I shared with you guys that I've struggled with social anxiety, so just being there around other men was big. As the day progressed, I felt more comfortable. My favorite part about the weekly sessions was hearing other people's perspectives. I enjoyed that. And then Saturday, of course, was good, and refreshing. I've always believed in the authority of God, but this was like a refreshment and it's taken me to a higher level of praying and taking authority over things. I think that's been one of the things that I came away with that was really good, just getting that more solidified. - CRB
The prophetic words really touched me because a couple years ago, I went to another men's thing for a whole week out in the east Texas woods. And one of the things the Lord spoke to me out there, and it was very specific, was, uh, all around Psalms 32:8. And ironically, the prophecy that I got started out with Psalms 32:8. I mean, the exact same scripture! That was something that was really good and really pertinent to me. - DAJ
I think the, the biggest thing that I guess God took me back, you know, and the prophecy thing was my favorite thing by far. I mean, I love getting healed, but that prophetic word thing really reaffirmed, you know, the God's hearing what I'm praying and hearing what I'm asking. And you know, the word about promises and that God always fills the promises. I literally just told my wife that the day before, that God, you know, we were praying about our situation, and I was like, God has never not fulfilled His promises to us. And then for him to sit there and say that, I was like, man, it's just reiterated. And then, the very first part of mine where the Lord asked, “well, what do you want?” And the man said, I wanna see you again. And that is, that's the end of the cry in my heart, is I wanna see God. I wanna see God moving again. I wanna see him do it again. So the prophetic words started out my day. We could have skipped the deliverance part of it, and I'd have been like, on cloud nine anyway. I didn't even realize, you know, we were looking at some of those demonic forces where they tie and build off each other. There's some things in there you wouldn't even know, if you just were glancing at it, you wouldn't even think that that was tied into that, you know? God just opened up my eyes on some things about watch what you're doing. When I got back, I was like, No, I'm not watching that movie. You know, I’m trying to kind of guard the house a little bit. Like, we just got through this. I don't want something to start right back on. So it was good. God was good. Some of us on Zoom were little bit worried connecting, but it felt like as soon as we walked in, it felt like we were all family. It didn't skip a beat. I thought that was really, really cool. - DAB
God has shown Himself to me in some unimaginable ways! Either over the zoom meetings, as well as my alone time while reading. I have felt His Holy Spirit ministering to me while reading. Today, Saturday, I experienced His love and grace so near that I am still speechless. All the prayers and confessions make me realize how powerful His Word, love, mercy and grace is over us. I am so grateful for all of you guys who put this ministry together. One of the most impactful parts was when I received the envelope with the beautiful and incredible prophetic words from God to me! May God continue to bless each and every one of you more abundantly. - SLW
I came into this group lost and defeated. After all the classes, I have found strength in the Lord. I felt alone and now I know I have brothers in Christ, so I know I am not alone. I love the vision this last week has given me to be the spiritual leader of my family. The best part for me was to be able to talk to other men about what I been through, and the feedback I receive from them. - BMM
For the first time since April, I feel like Jesus has given me hope of a new life. The pain of my divorce and the feeling that I was going to be miserable the rest of my life and that I was a failure are gone. My life is different yes. But I now walk with Jesus in a completely different relationship. I used to lean into Him when times got tough. I now lean into Him every morning and night, no matter if the day was tough or I had a great day. My relationship with Jesus is precious and not something I even want to let go of. It was so good looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday evening. I got to know the guys and truly care for them. They were here to listen to my pain and pray for me and vice versa. I think the small group allowed that strong bond. I feel like I have the tools to better identify and course correct to keep my life in alignment with Jesus! - PMR
Jesus has released me from the bondage of nicotine and other addictions. He also mended my heart which was shattered by losing the woman I love. He has revealed this to me that I was completely unaware of in my past and has reminded me of people I still need to forgive. This brought me fellowship and community, as well as peace. Doing this in a group was invaluable. We got to share our struggles and experiences and bond. We also had a good system of accountability. This was amazing! - RJM
God has opened my eyes to the areas I was not aware that I had not submitted to Him, and has shown me His more than abundant grace. I am moving forward in my life more equipped to lead others into spiritual freedom through Christ. I know I have authority through the precious blood of Jesus! I enjoyed meeting with the other ladies face to face and being able to share the life experiences we have week to week. - KJL
I came in a wreck. I had no confidence in myself, spiritually or practically. I knew I needed healing. I didn’t know how to get it, though. I just wanted to “touch Jesus’ robe”. I came in expecting to be healed, and I have been! As I have submitted my life in all areas to the Lord, He has given me deliverance from so many things: my anger- replaced it with patience, lust and perversion- replaced it with trust in Him, addictive behaviors- replaced it with rest, my marriage and its brokenness- replaced it with faith that since Jesus will heal me, He can do the same for my marriage. I now have authority over satan and his works. I have the tools to rebuke and set in place Jesus on all areas. Jesus has been so kind and gracious to me the past 2 months. He has set me free. I am truly set free. I touched His robe and am healed and delivered. - SMC
I have learned about the vital importance of declarations, vows, curses, promises, strongholds and spirits. Through our speech and with the authority of Jesus, all that is not of His kingdom has to bow / flee / be cast out. Freedom comes from Him. I enjoyed that our group was non-confrontational and non-judgmental. - HBA
The last eight weeks have been a process of learning / understanding / wrestling / speaking and living the truth of the authority and identity that I have in Christ. I’m learning how to wield authority over every area of my life, and what it means to align and agree with the Word of God. It’s a lot! Heavy and hard, but when I wield Christ’s authority, it becomes light ~ freedom! This is just what I needed! - CTA